1 October 2012

The Journey Begins Tomorrow

So the day has finally come! Tomorrow will be my first day at uni, and despite the likelihood of the day consisting of paperwork and 'non-nursey' lectures, I am dying to get started and I couldn't be more excited!

Today I finally went out and did some stationery shopping... talk about procrastination, already! Haha! No, the reason it was left so late was because I am quite low on funds, and unfortunately my loan installment didn't go in to day as hoped. I guess I have to wait until my attendance has been confirmed.

I love stationery shopping, I'm like a kid a christmas and I always take my time when looking. I must have been in the store for quite a while today, I had employees coming up to me and asking if I was ok, haha. I have only brought a few essentials for now, and a few extras which I got cheap in Poundland (result!). So, I brought;
  • Pens
  • Highlighters
  • Post-Its
  • A Scientific Calculator
  • A Pocket Notepad
  • An A4 Pad
  • Page Dividers
  • Punched Pockets
  • A Folder; aaaaand....
  • An Academic Diary
I thought I'd be nice and take a picture for my fellow stationery lovers (you know who you are, haha!).

I will be buying more stuff once my money comes through as there is no doubt I will need more. I will let you all know how I get on tomorrow. We have to be there for 8:30am but I am meeting my friends there at 8am as we want to get coffee first and then go to the lecture theatre before everyone else, we don't like the thought of sitting at the back of a crowded room lol. So this means I have to get up at 6am to get ready, get the 6:55am bus to the train station and get the 7:30am train to be at the university by 8am. Oooh what fun this is going to be... =/

I'll post another blog tomorrow when I get home, and I have no idea when that will be. I'll be tweeting tomorrow so if you want to know how things are going, take a look at Twitter when you can.

Wish me luck

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