It has been quite some time since I've sat down and posted a blog. So I
thought it was time to get back into the swing of things and connect with you
all again. I apologise in advance for this post, as it is not exactly one that
shares anything new and exciting, unfortunately it is just me merely airing my
frustrations. I guess I only have myself to blame though. For those of you who
cannot recall what went on a year ago, let me remind you. For those who are familiar
with my story, I don't mean to go over the same ground, so please bear with me.
From October 2012, I was studying children's nursing at university. Starting
nursing was one of the proudest moments of my life and I was absolutely 110%
determined to make nursing my career. However, months later, little snippets of
doubt began to creep in. There was a particular profession within the hospital
that I began to learn a great deal about, it was a role I found absolutely
fascinating and before I knew it, I began questioning myself. I began to wonder
whether nursing really was for me, this other profession interested me so much
it gripped me. On a daily basis I would think of the 'what if's' and would day
dream of the opportunities this profession offered. I am, of course, talking
about Radiography. I never knew much about radiography before I started
nursing. I openly admit that I, like many others, believed the common
misconception that radiographers where just mere technicians who pressed a
button to take an image and that was that, but now I know it's so much
more complex than that; you have to know your anatomy, you have to know the
physics behind medical imaging and also anatomical positioning, i.e. how to
position the body in exactly the right way - something that is a lot more
complex than people think. I also learned that after at least 2 years of
experience radiographers can go on to do further training where they can learn
to interpret images and write their own reports on them, similar to what a
radiologist does to make a diagnosis. Human anatomy is my passion, so this to
me was the deciding factor. It was then, after much consideration and
discussions with my personal tutor and family, I made the decision that
nursing was no longer my career of choice, and withdrew from my studies in
February 2013.
So, what have I been doing up until now? Quite frankly, this past year has
been one of the most difficult, most frustrating and not to mention the most
boring years I've ever had to endure. A year later and I am nowhere closer to
where I want to be, and I feel it has been a complete waste of a year. My plans
were to get a full time job and re-apply to university. However, after finding
out the entry requirements for the radiography course had changed and I was
unable to apply. So now I have been searching - without any luck - for a job so
I can pay for another Access course I will have to complete. I feel like
I am back to square one, exactly in the same situation as I was in 2011. My
life feels as though it is at a complete stand still right now.
On a more positive note, I am extremely determined to achieve my goal, no
matter how long it takes. Currently, I have 4 interviews lined up over the next
2-3 weeks, all of which are roles within local hospitals. I have decided not to
go back to college but to instead complete my access course via the Distance
Learning Centre so I can also work full time. I know some people who have done
access courses with them and have had great success with it. So my plan now is
to find work, start my access course within the next few months, reapply to
university in the summer and complete my access course by June moderation in
2015 which the hopes of starting university again in September 2015.
Wish me luck!